Nagpur: Justice Nitin Sambre of Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court on Tuesday rejected the bail application of Sachin Shivkaran Bhajbhuje, the Naik Police Constable (NPC) posted at Nandanvan Police Station who was involved in robbery case of Rs. 2,54,92,800 of Hawala money. The court however granted bail to Raju Denge who had given the tip off to co-accused Ravi Machewar.
The counsel for applicant Sachin argued that the applicant is small employee of Nandanvan Police Station and he was working as driver. He had intercepted the vehicle of the complainant of at command API Sunawane and on his say only he has handed over the said vehicle of the complainant company which was carrying total amount of Rs. 5,73,00,000from Raipur to Mumbai, to the other accused persons namely Ravi Machewar and Gajanan Mungde.
Adv. Shailesh Hemke, appearing for applicant Raju Denge pointed out to the court that he is falsely implicated in the present matter and there is no material against him to show that he was the conspirator in the case.
Adv. Hitesh Khandwani who assisted the prosecution along with APP Thakre pointed out to the court that the applicant in conspiracy with other accused had robbed the huge amount of the complainant – M/s Maple Jewellers Pvt Ltd. It was the applicant who had intercepted t vehicle of the complainant and forcibly taken out to drivers from the said vehicle and taken their mobile in his custody and asked them to sit in police vehicle. That the persons to whom t vehicle of the complainant was given were not from the police department. On the contrary, they were the hardcore criminals having many criminal antecedents.
It was further pointed out to the court that the applicant belongs to police department. He can easily hamper the investigation and he can tamper the prosecution witnesses. It was further pointed out that Raju Denge was the person who had given the tip off to the history-sheeter in order to loot the amount of the complainant.
After hearing the both sides and considering the submission of the complainant, the High Court rejected the bail application of the applicant Sachin Bhajbhuje on the ground offence is of serious nature and it cannot be ruled out that t applicant being t police official can hamper the investigation as well as he can tamper with the prosecution witnesses. The court however granted bail to Raju Denge observing that there is no direct material against him.
Adv. Hitesh Khandwani assisted t prosecution along with APP Thakre. Adv. Shailesh Hemke appeared for the applicant Rajesh Denge. Adv. R P Joshi and Sameer Sonawane appeared for the applicant Sachin Bhajbhuje.
It may be recalled that one early Sunday morning in April 2018, police had intercepted a Renault Duster vehicle near Prajapati Square on Pardi Road and seized crores of rupees of Hawala from the car. The money belonged to Khajan Thakkar, the owner of M/s Maple Jewellers in Raipur. The money was being transferred to Hawala businessman Prashant Kesani in Nagpur. This was informed by vehicle driver Rajesh Mendhe, a resident of Minimata Nagar in Kalamna, and Gulabchand Jain, a resident of Tulsi Nagar in Shanti Nagar. That morning, police had summoned Prashant Kesani but instead one Manish Khandelwal reached the police station. Manish had provided the keys of the locker in the Duster car. On opening the lockers, police had seized cash of crores of rupees. API Sonawane and his associates had illegally parted crores of rupees among themselves. This was suspected by Manish Khandelwal and DCP Nilesh Bharne had instituted an enquiry in the matter