Nagpur News: Slamming Nagpur University for arbitrary action and overwriting its regulations and procedures, the Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court today directed that the 106 BE (Bachelor of Engineering) students who had failed due to callous evaluation be allowed to sit for University exams beginning from 27th December.
In its final judgement in the case filed by University students against Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU) in November, Justice Gavai directed the University to get the 106 exam papers revaluated by independent revaluators, in accordance with Clause 9 of RTMNU’s own rules. He also observed that since it was impossible for the University to complete this task within the seven days left for commencement of exams, the students be allowed to sit for their exams in the meantime.
However, if the student does not pass in the results of the fresh revaluations as well, then he/ she cannot claim the results of the upcoming exams to be valid.
“The court is required to pass this unusual order due to the circumstances”, said Justice Gavai, adding, “When actions of authority is arbitrary and unreasonable, the court cannot be prevented from interfering” with reference to the University’s legal counsel’s argument that the court should be slow in interfering in the issue since it does not have the technical expertise to judge the evaluation of an Engineering paper.