Nagpur: The Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court on Tuesday granted bail to 14 accused arrested in connection with sexual exploitation of a girl student at an Adivasi Ashram Shala in Buldana district. The accused included Headmaster, members of management committee and other staff of the Ashram Shala.
During the hearing, Justice Pradeep Deshmukh of High Court here granted bail to Headmaster Digambar Kharat (39), Lab Assistant Swapnil Lakhe (22), Hostel Warden Narayan Ambhore (27), Cook Deepak Kokre (30), Women’s Hostel Warden Lalita Bijre (36), members of management committee Gajanan Kokre (60), Sanjay Kokre (46), Purshottam Kokre (42), Mohan Kokre (50), Balkrushna Wagh (60), Sahebrao Kokre (45), Manthabai Kokre (47), Sevantabai Raut (60) and Anil Kokre.
The accused were arrested by Hiwarkhed police following allegations of sexual abuse of two girls of Nimbaji Kokre Adivasi Ashram Shala situated in Khamgaon of Buldana district. Offences were also registered against them under relevant sections of IPC, POCSO and SC/ST Atrocities Act.
The incident came to light in November 2016 after former Maharashtra Minister Eknath Khadse was approached recently by the family of one of the victims who hailed from his Assembly constituency in Muktainagar (Jalgaon). Khadse immediately informed District Guardian Minister Pandurang Phundkar who then asked police to look into the matter.