Mumbai: Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis met Acting Chief Justice of Bombay High Court Vijaya Tahilramani. On behalf of the government he made a formal request for an appointment of sitting High Court judge so that he could urge for a probe into the events that led to Bhima-Koregaon violence.
It may be recalled that CM announced judicial enquiry on the very next day of the incident. Now High Court will process this request of State Government.
On Tuesday The Dalit group has sought action against those involved in the clashes in Pune on Monday.
After lakhs of Dalits gathered in the city to attend an event to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Bhima-Koregaon, violence between the Dalits and Maratha communities were reported on Monday. The violence had led to death of one person and left several injured.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis had said that he would request the Supreme Court to initiate a judicial probe into the violence on January 1. He had also said CID probe will also be conducted in the death of the youth and also announced Rs 10 lakh compensation for victim’s kin.