Nagpur: Bajaj Nagar police on Friday nabbed a security guard working at HDFC Bank near IT Park for illegal possession of firearms. Besides 12 bore rifle, cops have seized an air gun, country made pistol and several live cartridges.
Cops have booked accused identified as Swamiprasad Durgamaniprasad Dubey (43), a resident of Kachipura under relevant Sections of the Indian Arms Act and placed him under arrest. Dubey would use forged rubber stamps to fabricate legal papers of the weapons.
The sleuths of Bajaj Nagar police on July 27, received a secret information about a man with illegal possession of weapons, and who serve as security personnel at HDFC Bank near IT Park. Acting swiftly on the information the squad of Bajaj Nagar police comprising senior PI Raghvendrasingh Shirsagar and constables Sanjay Thakur, Pramod Mohite, Praful Pawar and Amit Giradkar rushed to Kachipura based house and arrested Dubey.