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London: Multiple orgasms are quite common among females while making out with their partners, but a study has revealed that around seven in ten women may achieve as many as 20 orgasms during sex.
According to researchers, two percent women, reported being able to climax 20 times in a single session while eight percent claimed to have more than ten during sex, reports the Mirror.
Celebrity sexual health couple Dr David Delvin and Dr Christine Webber asked 1,250 women aged between 20 to 24 about their orgasms in an online survey.
“We knew that very large numbers of women have problems and anxieties about the subject of orgasm,” said Harley Street doctor Christine Webber.
“Many men and women, including, alas, some doctors, still believe the myth that for all women, being penetrated by a penis which goes in and out should be enough to make them orgasm,” Webber added.