Nagpur: The Second Capital of Maharashtra is becoming a health hazard day by day. The data of air quality for 365 days monitored by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in Nagpur City is shocking. Out of 365 days, the air in the city was seen to be polluted for 303 days. Only for 58 days, Nagpur was pollution free.
According to the CPCB data, the air pollution in Nagpur ranged from low to hazardous levels. For 165 days, the level of pollution was low, 101 days of high pollution and 37 days were harmful to health. The pollution of Nagpur has been increasing for the past few years.
Based on the observations of the Central Pollution Control Board, these shocking figures were revealed by environmental expert and President of Green Planet Society, Prof. Suresh Chopane. Air pollution is recorded continuously by air quality monitoring stations at five locations in the city. Available statistics are from GPO, Civil Lines. More pollution has been observed in many places in Nagpur City.
Sources of pollution
Transport, vehicles and thermal power plants, industries cause air pollution. But due to the modern lifestyle, air pollution has increased to a great extent, both indoors and outdoors. Its sources are vehicle smoke and dust, garbage burning, wood, coal burning.
According to the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), it is a common phenomenon during winters but the sudden increase in pollutants is a matter of concern. The pollutants settle in the low atmosphere due to which the air quality deteriorates. The pollution released by the Thermal Power Plants is also a matter of concern during winter.
According to CPCB, the Ambient Air Quality between 0-50 is considered ‘good’, 51-100 ‘satisfactory’, 101-200 ‘moderate’, 201-300 ‘poor’, 301-400 ‘very poor’, and between 401-500 ‘severe’. Normally, the heavy traffic causes air pollution, but the air quality of Nagpur was on higher side during late night hours also when the traffic movement remains nominal.