Published On : Tue, Sep 4th, 2012

Heavy rains and storm damage crops worth crores.


Heavy rains and storm has damaged crops worth crores. The stormy rains that lashed the city on 19th & 20th August and 2nd & 3rd September have damaged crops worth 7.50cr according to reports. This sudden outpour of rain and thunderstorm has left Farmers with heavy losses as all their efforts have been wiped out with heavy rainfall. This rainfall has also affected all those plans which were setup by the Vidarbha Agricultural department. Crops like Soyabean, Cotton and Tuvar have been affected the most. The affected areas estimates have brought a shock across Vidarbha region. Nagpur has been the worst affected region with an estimate of 3, 88,20,000 followed by Chandrapur which amounts to 2,49,70,000 , Wardha 1,16,90,000. The crops were submerged in water. Gadchiroli had to deal with this outburst as 100 acre land got submerged while 255 acre land got submerged in Chandrapur. This report was prepared by Revenue Department considering all the affected areas in Vidarbha.
