Nagpur News : All petrol pumps in Maharashtra are closed today on Monday as petrol pump owners have gone on a strike as a mark of protest against increasing prices of petrol and diesel. The taxes levied on petrol and diesel are highest in Maharashtra which makes petrol expensive by 5-6 and the consumers have to bear the brunt of the price hike.
Must to the relief of Public Company Operated Petrol pumb are opened open despite the strike to ensure citizens don’t face inconvenience.
Heavy Rush can be seen today at RBI Square IOC Pumb
Petrol and diesel is an essential commodity and an LBT of 2-5 percent is levied on it. The annual revenue from LBT on petrol and diesel is as high as 290 crore. The LBT has also caused a hike in rates of petrol by 3.50 and diesel by 2.75.
Petrol pump owners in the State have demanded that taxes on petrol and diesel be slashed and a single tax and a single price be fixed across the State. The rising prices of petrol and diesel have brought down its sale by 25 percent in the State and has put the existence of 800 petrol pumps in danger.