Nagpur: Team Sakha conducted the ‘The Nagpur Tale’ with an attempt to establish a ‘Heritage Dialogue’ within the Professors of architecture, eminent ractitioners, artists, architectural students and the local folks who belong to the festive lane of Juni Shukravari in Nagpur.
The ‘Heritage Dialogue’ is an initiative taken by team Studio Sakha, under the leadership of Sandeep Pathe (Conservation Architect and Principal Architect, Sakha) with an attempt to redefine the ways of conducting a heritage walk within the historic core of Nagpur city. The initiative aims to establish an introductory overview about the historical premise of Juni Shukravari, ‘The Nagpur Tale’ as an initiative is designed under three segments, ‘The people’ which include a narrative about the locals living in the heritage lanes and which are practising the traditional of kite making and providing other festive needs since last 250 years and more.
The other segment elaborates on ‘The Place’, which tries to explain the characteristic of its existing architecture and the cultural identity of streets, which exist even today. It narrates upon how the people living in the lane practise their profession which gives a unique character and identity to the lane. ‘The Past’ becomes the third segment which narrates the history about the evolution and the overall identity of this lane.
Participants of ‘Heritage Dialogue’ also experienced the oral history which was narrated by Dinesh Jais and Mukesh Gupta, local residents of Juni Shukravari, Case studies of Traditional Dwelling units was also done by participants which contribute in shaping the character of entire lane.
The variety of queries and interactions anticipated over a tea session by student participants was the most interesting part of ‘The Heritage Dialogue’
The overall initiative was organised and managed by team Sakha which includes Sandeep Pathe, Mayuri Deodhar, Renuka Marotkar, Anjali Karpate, Sakshi Mishra and Shruti Beohar.