Nagpur: The Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court has rejected the plea of suspended Assistant Commissioner of Police Baba Dongre to cancel the FIR filed by the Anti Corruption Bureau against him on July 6, 2015.
Sources believed this decision of the court as a big set-back to Baba Dongre.
The Bench of Justice Bhushan Dharmadhikari and Justice Pradeep Deshmukh ruled the denial of cancellation of FIR.
The officials who investigated the matter including Police Superintendent Rajeev Jain and Investigating Office Shubhangi Deshmukh of Anti Corruption Bureau were present in the court. The Jaripatka Police had registered a case against Baba Dongre on the complaint lodged by the then Police Inspector Vinod Wakde of Anti Corruption Bureau.
Manoj Kumar Singh had lodged a complaint of Corruption against Baba Dongre in the Anti Corruption Bureau. According to the complaint, the complainant had a Bar and Security Agency in Gulmohur Complex on Koradi Road. Singh got into some dispute over the parking space with another resident of Gulmohur Complex named Dr. Atul Vidhyarthi.
Singh had lodged more than 3-4 complaints against the doctor in Koradi Police Station, but to no avail. However, for best reasons known to Koradi Police personnel, on a single complaint lodged by Dr. Atul Vidhyarthi, an action was initiated against Manoj Kumar Singh. The file (complaint of Manoj Singh and Dr. Vidhyarthi) was sent to the office of Assistant Commissioner of Police for directions.
Baba Dongre was the then Assistant Commissioner of Police, Pachpaoli. He incited the fear of law to Manoj Singh and fleeced Rupees Sixty Thousand from him. On the directions of Baba Dongre, the complainant Manoj Singh had handed over the amount to a police constable from Pachpaoli Police Station.
This was followed by Baba Dongre making a fresh demand for Rupees twenty five thousand (Rs. 25,000). However, Singh did not want to fall into the trap of having to give bribes every now and then. This led to Singh lodging a complaint with Anti Corruption Bureau. The police personnel of Anti Corruption Bureau had laid a trap for Baba Dongre in Mankapur on February 17, 2015. This trap could not go through. On February 21, 2015 another trap was set in the office of Baba Dongre. Baba Dongre was caught red handed accepting a bribe of Rupees Ten Thousand (Rs 10,000).