Nagpur: On Monday the March 27, the high security of Nagpur Central Prison was “breached” by a rare intruder. The sneak-in triggered curious sensation rather than a panic, for a change. It all happened when the jail personnel spotted a Civet cat-like species infiltrating the prison garden slyly. The scene took the personnel by surprise as it is a rare species not to be seen in crowded human population. Civet cat is listed or schedule wildlife animal and is being protected by law.
The stunned jail personnel anyhow managed to capture the animal and caged it. Later the Prison Administration contacted the Forest Department and informed them about the “prized” catch. Hours later, a rescue team of Forest Department reached the jail and after completing the due formalities, took the beast with them. The animal was kept at Transit Treatment Centre at Goregaon Zoo and treated to overcome “shock.” Later, the Civet cat like animal was released in Gorewada jungles.