Published On : Fri, Nov 24th, 2023
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

History of ‘Gurudwara Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Teela Sahib’


Special on the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti on 27th November 2023, Monday


Whilst on his journey to spread the message of God, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Brij (Vrundavan, Mathura), where Lord Shri Krishna was born. Guruji sat near a hill there. His disciple Bhai Mardana wondered how come a single hill was right at the banks of river Yamuna, where there was no similar hill around it. He asked Guruji to solve this mystery for him.

Omniscient Guruji revealed to Mardana that the history of that hill dated back to Treta Yug, when Shri Ram was building a bridge (Ram Setu) over the sea to reach Lanka. Bhai Mardana got curious, and requested Guruji to reveal more details about the history. Guruji further continued, saying that when the construction of the bridge was completed, Shri Ram instructed the VaanarSena to not bring any more rocks. Obeying his orders, all the Vaanars threw the stones that they were carrying. At that point in time, Hanuman Ji was at this particular spot, carrying this hill. Obeying Shri Ram’s orders, he sat there itself, with the hill on his head. All the Vaanars eventually went to Shri Ram, who realised that Hanuman Ji was not present there. The Vaanars told him that obeying his orders of not bringing any further rocks, he has stopped on the way with the hill placed on his head.

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Shri Ram asked one of the Vaanars to bring Hanuman Ji back. Obeying his orders, theVaanar immediatelyleft for Brij. On reaching there, Hanuman Ji told him that when he had come to carry that hill, a voice came from its inside, saying “Oh Hanuman! Please don’t take me from here. If at all you want to take me, then please place me near the feet of Shri Ram. If that cannot happen, then I am fine here itself.” Listening to this voice, Hanuman Ji committed to the hill that he would place him near Shri Ram’s feet. After Shri Ram’s instructions, Hanuman Ji was utterly confused. If he placed the hill there itself, he would break his commitment; and if he didn’t throw it, he would disobey Shri Ram’s sayings, which he did not want to do. On listening to what Hanuman Ji said, the Vaanar went back to Shri Ram and narrated the entire conversation to him.

On listening to this, Shri Ram got touched. He said that he would take the form of Shri Krishna in Dwapar Yug, and spend a lot of time on and around that hill in Brij. The Vaanar went and communicated Shri Ram’s words to Hanuman Ji, who on hearing that was elated. He placed the hill there itself and returned back to Shri Ram.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji told Bala and Mardana that since that time, that hill has been there itself. In Dwapar Yug, Shri Krishna would spend a lot of time around that hill, and do his Leela there. Bala and Mardana were elated on listening to this history from Guru Nanak Dev.

On the day of a festival, celebrations were being held at the same spot. Various learned people attended the celebrations, who were sharing their knowledge, but with their minds filled with feelings of ego and greed. Youngsters were dancing there together, but a lot of them looked at others with a feeling of lust. Guruji realised that nobody’s soul was pure there, and because of ties of the world, it was difficult for them to get rid of their vice. To connect everyone with the name of God, Guruji uttered the following Shabad in Raag Ramkali:
“Sei Chandu Chadahi Se Taare Soi Diniaru Tapat Rahai..”(Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Ang 902)

On listening to Guruji’s melodious voice, everyone gathered around him. Among themwere a few scholars, who requested Guruji to explain the meaning of what he uttered. Guruji explained to them that the sun, moon, stars, land and air, are all similar to those in Treta Yug, but now man’s mind is polluted. In Satyug, if one person committed a sin, the entire country was deemed a sinner. Whereas in Treta Yug, the sinner’s city was considered to be a sinner. Times changed in Dwapar Yug, when the sinner’s family was considered to be at fault. But in Kaliyug, if someone commits a sin, he himself has to bear its consequences. But if someone is blessed by the Almighty after he chants His name, he is protected from all such consequences. Kirtan is the primary way of worship of Kaliyug, and hence everyone should attend discourses regularly and chant the name of God with whole hearted devotion.

“Kaljug Mahi Kirtan Pardhana. Gurmukh JapiaiLaaiDhiaana.” (Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Ang 1095)

‘Gurudwara Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Teela Sahib’ has been built at this pious place in Vrundavan, Mathura, where Guruji imparted his teachings. He spent his lifetime in spreading the message of the importance of good conduct and that of chanting Almighty’s name. He was born on the Kartik Poornima Samvat 1526, the equivalent English date of which this year is 27th November, 2023, Monday. Lakhs of salutes to such a great soul on his 554th birth anniversary.
