Nagpur: Witty remarks were witnessed in Assembly during Question Hour in Assembly that caused bursts of laughter across the House. The jolly situation arose when NCP’s Chhagan Bhujbal hurled a tricky question on Forest Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar. “Whether the number of tigresses increased or tigers after the State Government appointed megastar Amitabh Bachchan as Maharashtra’s Brand Ambassador to promote ‘Save Tiger Campaign?’
Replying to the tricky question, Mungantiwar too bowled a googly. He said, “To find the answer to the question, the Forest Ministry is contemplating to set up a one-member Chhagan Bhujbal Committee.”
In another question, Chhagan Bhujbal wanted to know what action is being initiated against ‘roaring tigers’ (Shiv Sena Ministers, legislators, sainiks) in the State.
Mungantiwar replied in the same tenor. “Government is making efforts to protect and conserve the ‘roaring tigers’ in the State.”
The “jugalbandi” of witty questions and answers saw laughter erupting in the House with members across the parties cherishing the moments.
Rajeev Ranjan Kushwaha ( )