Barely three days after his wedding with Geetansha Sood, Oyo founder Ritesh Agarwal’s father Ramesh Agarwal died on Friday. The businessman has confirmed his father’s death. Ritesh Sharma released a statement and said that his “guiding light and strength” passed away on March 10. He, however, didn’t elaborate on what caused his father’s death.
“With a heavy heart, my family and I, would like to share that our guiding light and strength, my father, Shri Ramesh Agarwal passed away on 10 March. He lived a full life and inspired me and so many of us, every single day. His death is a tremendous loss for our family. My father’s compassion and warmth saw us through our toughest times and carried us forward. His words will resonate deep in our hearts. We request everyone to respect our privacy in this time of grief,” the Oyo founder said in a statement.
According to reports, Ramesh Agarwal died after falling from a high-rise building in Gurgaon. The incident took place days after his son married Geetansha Sood in a lavish function in Delhi. The incident took place at 1 pm today at his home in Gurgaon’s DLF society. He fell from the 20th floor of the building. He reportedly fell from the balcony of his flat. Other members of the family were present in the house at the time of the incident.
Ramesh Agarwal, a native of Odisha’s Rayagarh district, used to live in the house along with his wife. Ritesh Agarwal lives in a separate house.
DCP, Gurugram East, told Aaj Tak that the police got the information of the incident at around 1 pm today. They were told that Ramesh Agarwal had fallen from the 20th floor of the Gurugram apartment.
The police were told that he fell from the house’s balcony. At the time of the death, his wife, son Ritesh Agarwal and his newly wed wife Geetansha Sood were present at the house.
The police found no suicide note at the house.
Ramesh Agarwal’s family members haven’t filed any complaint with the police.
His body has been sent for a post-mortem.
Ritesh Agarwal’s marriage was attended by several celebrities, including Vijay Shekhar Sharma, Masayoshi Son, Ashneer Grover and Sunil Mittal.
Geetansha Sood is the director of a company called Farmation Ventures Private Limited. Not much about her is in the public domain.
Ritesh Agarwal’s father Ramesh Agarwal used to run a small shop in Odisha.