Nagpur: The Maharashtra HSC result 2018 has been declared on Wednesday. Total percentage for Maharashtra Result 2018 is 88.41%. The examination was conducted between February 21 and March 20 through nine divisional boards — Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Latur, Nagpur, Amravati and Ratnagiri.
Around 14,85,132 students registered to appear for the exams conducted in 9,486 junior colleges and 2,822 centres across the state. Of the total students registered, 5,80,820 students were for Science, 4,79,863 students for Arts, 3,66,756 students for Commerce, and the 57,693 students for the vocational stream.
Nagpur Division:
In Nagpur Division comprising Bhandara, Chandrapur, Nagpur, Wardha, Gadchiroli and Gondia districts, the pass percentage is 87.57. Girls outsmarted boys again. The pass percentage or girls is 91.0 whereas 84.24 percent boys cleared the exam. Total 164722 students registered out of which 164627 appeared for the exam. In the Science Stream, 70268 students appeared for exam with pass percentage being 96.26. Arts Stream had 65161 students and the pass percentage is 78.39. 21461 students in Commerce Stream with pass percentage 89.55 and 7737 students appeared in HSC Vocational Course and 80.54 percent students passed the exam.