Nagpur: Ajni police have booked husband, in-laws on the charges of abetting suicide by a young woman. Kajal Chandrakant Sihariya (21), resident of Plot No. 130, Naik Nagar, Ajni, had committed suicide by hanging to a ceiling fan in her house on April 5. The cops, on the basis of information given by Chandrakant Sihariya (28), had registered a case of accidental death and were probing the matter thoroughly.
The sustained investigation launched by police revealed that the accused Chandrakant Revjilal Sihariya and the victim Kajal had love marriage. However, the love marriage was strongly opposed by Chandrakant’s mother Kamlabai (50), sister Anju Verma (32) and brother Ramji Revjilal Sihariya, all residents of Plot No. 130, Naik Nagar, Ajni. Soon after marriage, the three accused Kamlabai, Anju and Ramji started showing their true colour and subjected Kajal to horrific torture, both mental and physical, regularly. The accused even provoked Chandrakant to treat Kajal with disdain. Following the diktat of the three accused, Chandrakant used to beat Kajal under influence of liquor almost daily. The 21-year old Kajal, fed up with unbearable torment, decided to get rid of the living hell by taking the extreme step by hanging to a ceiling fan with the help of a scarf. However, the torture of Kajal did not go unnoticed and a complaint in this regard was lodged by Mona Jaideep Dahiya (21) of Jankinagar, Nagpur.
Ajni Senior PSI Chaudhari, acting on the complaint, booked the accused Chandrakant Sihariya, his mother Kamlabai, sister Anju Verma and brother Ramji under Sections 306, 34 of IPC and investigating the matter further.
It is significant to recall that Nagpur Today had flashed a report titled “Newly married woman commits suicide” in which it was stated that a newly married woman reportedly committed suicide in her house. However, the reason behind the extreme step taken by the young woman could not be ascertained yet. Kajal Chandrakant Sihariya (21), resident of Plot No. 130, Naik Nagar, Ajni, ended her life by hanging to a ceiling fan with the help of a scarf in her house at about 12.30 pm on Sunday.
API Shejul, acting on information of her husband Chandrakant Revjilal Sihariya (28), registered a case of accidental death and investigating the matter from all angles.
Now, the investigation from all angles has revealed the horrible truth.