Nagpur: Nagpur: Friday morning brought the news of dramatic development in the Hyderabad veterinary doctor’s rape and murder case. All four accused were shot dead in ‘self defence’ by the Telangana Police in the wee hours of Friday. The news spread like a wildfire in the second capital of the state. While majority of Nagpurians applauded the Hyderabad police encounter and called it “justice served”, some pressed for similar approach by Uttar Pradesh Police in Unnao rape cases. Few expressed the need of new avenues to bring justice within law, instead of killing on the pretext of encounters.
It is may be mentioned that in Hyderabad, the four accused were reportedly taken to Chattapally post midnight in an attempt to recreate the crime scene. However, the accused allegedly tried to escape after attacking the police. Following which the police fired at them in self-defense and killed all of them on the spot.
Justice has served:
“I believe justice has served. The judiciary would have taken years to come with stringent punishment to bring justice to the 27-year-old veterinary doctor. We need to set examples via strict penalties for such condemnable offence and ultimately instill fear among the culprits that shows audacity to commit such heinous crime,” said Mohammad Aquib, an engineering supervisor working with a private firm.
“The trauma of vet doctor’s family has come to an end. No one can imagine how much of the emotional strain her family has been too. The encounter was clearly a right way to make the culprits pay for their crime,” says Roshni Kashyap, an IT professional.
Unnao rape accused should face same action at the hands of judiciary:
“Though, encounter brought the much needed relief according to many. However, this is not a long term solution. A proper judicial approach is must to hail the Constitution under any circumstances. The lawful approach would have set an ideal example for many. Amid cheer and boo of Hyderabad encounter, we need to make sure that the culprits in Unnao rape cases should also face stern action by judiciary only,” says Kinjal Bansod, an IT professional.
Needs to reform judiciary for instant justice:
“Although people are raising claims of justice done but the cases of rapes and sexual exploitation against woman are on rise continuously. The Hyderabad encounter and labels of justice attached to it is condemnable. We as democrats need to find more reformed ways to uphold the Constitutional values and judiciary norms to bring in a system which will provide justice within the law,” says Rashmi Sovani, activist and professor.
– Shubham Nagdeve