iBall has launched a new 9.7-inch tablet, dubbed as Slide Q9703, at Rs. 15999. The device does seem to pack some impressive specs that look as dashing as Google’s Nexus 7. Although, there is no news on release date, it is pegged to be coming soon.
Let’s have a look at the Tablet’s specifications.
iBall Slide Q9703 which runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean comes with a 9.7-inch (2048 x 1536 pixels) HD IPS multi-touch retina display, 1.2 GHz quad-core processor, SGX544 MP2 GPU, 5MP auto focus camera, 2MP front-facing camera, 2GB RAM, 16GB internal memory, expandable up to 32 GB, connectivity features including 3G via USB dongle,Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n , Bluetooth, USB OTG, HDM and 8000 mAh Lithium-Ion battery.
Commenting at the launch event Mr Sandeep Parasrampuria, Director of iBall said “It’s an era of larger screens and stunning displays. This tablet’s ultra high resolution and retina panel on quad-core processor and an octa-core GPU is going to provide terrific performance and a stunning viewing experience to their proud owners, I’m sure.”
How does iBall Slide Q9703 compare with Google’s Nexus 7? Lets have look at the specifications of the latter tablet.
Google Nexus 7 sports a 7 inch 10 point multi-touch IPS display with 1280 x 800 resolution, quad core 1.2GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS (upgradeable to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean), 1GB RAM, 16GB/32GB internal storage, 1.2MP front camera, 4,325 mAh battery and connectivity features including NFC, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth. The 16GB version is priced at Rs. 15,999. As you can see the screen size and pixel resolution of iBall Slide Q9703 is higher.
The tablet also scores on the camera front as it comes with 5MP auto focus camera, 2MP front-facing camera, while the Nexus 7 comes with 1.2MP front camera only. The expandable memory is also plus point. Coming to connectivity features USB OTG and HDM are a plus point, while the 8000 mAh Lithium-Ion battery of iBall Slide Q9703 is just miles away from the Nexus 7’s 4,325 mAh battery. The two tablets stand side by side with respect to other specifications.
Specifications wise the iBall Slide Q9703 simply outranks Nexus 7, but at the same time Nexus 7 has the advantage for being Google’s native device. The iBall tablet does look worth the money though.