Published On : Tue, May 10th, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

IEEE International Conference held successfully at GH Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur.


Nagpur: 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology – Signal and Information Processing (ICETET- SIP-22) has been successfully heldat GHRCE Nagpur recently. This conference was technically sponsored by IEEE Bombay Section and co-sponsored by IEEE Nagpur Subsection in association with GHR Labs and Research Centre. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. The main objective of the conference is to bring together and provide platform to the researchers from the academia, research laboratories, and stakeholders from the industry to present and deliberate the recent trends in the field of signal and information processing.

The Department of Electronics Engineering and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at Nagpur’s G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering hosted the conference. GHRCE is a premier Autonomous institution in the central India imparting a holistic technical education to the students residing not only in India but also international students. The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), the Ministry of Human Resource Development, and the Government of India have consistently ranked the institution as a high-performing institution. According to NIRF Ranking 2021, GHRCE is now rated 130th PAN-India in Engineering Discipline. The institution has also been ranked prominently by India Today MDRA Survey and Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements [ARIIA]. At the ARIIA-2021, this institute was also ranked first in India among Private / Self-Finance Colleges / Institutes.

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Dr. V. M. Gadre, Professor, IIT Bombay, opened the two-day International Conference at Swami Vivekananda Conference Hall, G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur. Shri SuniljiRaisoni, Patron ICETET-SIP-22 and Chairman, BoG, RGI, Dr. SachinUntawale, Honorary Chair and Director of the institute, Guest of Honor Dr. SatyanarayanaBheesette, Scientist, TIFR, Mumbai, Dr. MilindKhanapurkar and Dr. PramodWalke, Deputy Director of the institute, Dean R&D Dr. Santosh Jaju sir, General Chair ICETET-SIP-22 Dr. Laxman P. Thakre, and Dr. S. S. Salankar and Dr. KalyaniAkantGeneral Co-chair were present for the inauguration function. Dr. V. M. Gadre revealed the conference proceedings during the inauguration of conference. He described how collectivity (SAMUHIK) has retained a distinct position in Indian civilization from ancient times in his inaugural talk and motivated participants through his inspirational talk. He also emphasized the need of such Conferences for updating knowledge of participants in emerging fields.

Total 276 papers were submitted to the conference from different countries like Bangladesh, Germany, Iraq, Japan, New Zealand, USA, Oman, Philippines, and UAE. 125 papers were accepted and presented during this conference which covers various topics in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Signal and Information Processing, communication, biomedical, embedded and IOT. The conference will witness galaxy of speakers from India and Abroad. This international conference comprised of seventeen technical sessions.

In addition to the oral presentation of the technical papers, this conference was also joined by 2 keynote speakers.Dr. V. M. Gadre, Professor at IIT Bombay, gave the keynote talk on Scattering Wavelet Networks and Their Applications in Ear Biometrics on the first day of the conference. On the second day, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Calgary in Canada, gave another key lecture on Digital Image Processing Techniques for Ophthalmology.

The Conference was concluded with valedictory and feedback session by participants. Dr. A. S. Gandhi, Professor, VNIT, Nagpur was the chief guest at the valedictory of the conference. The conference organizers thanked the patrons, International – National Advisory Board members, office bearers of IEEE Bombay section. IEEE Nagpur Subsection, Reviewers, Guest of Honor, Honorary Chair, General chair, Technical Programme Committee Members, Session Chairs and co-chairs, organizing committee and all those who were directly and indirectly connected for the success of this conference.
