Nagpur: Reaching the underprivileged and unreached sections of the society is the main motto of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). To fulfill this motto more effectively and efficiently, the Nagpur Regional Centre of IGNOU has organized a Special Coordinators Meeting of the Region. Vice Chancellor of RTM Nagpur University Prof. S. P. Kane was the Chief Guest.
It was attended by all the Coordinators across the region. They include Secretary, Kasturba Health Society, Sewagram Dr. B. S. Garg, MGIMS Dr. Pravin Khairkar, Dr. Mrs. Tasneem Anjum from Nanded, Prof. Santosh Sanganwar and Prof. Sukhdeve from Gadchiroli, Dr. Rashmi Batra of Institute of Science etc.
The theme of the meeting was “Regional Strategies for reaching the unreached”.
In his welcome address Regional Director of IGNOU Dr. P. Sivaswaroop said that providing quality education at the door step of the learner is the goal for everyone in the system. Quality should be reflected even at the Study Centre and it is the perceived quality of IGNOU. So, it should be followed jealously. He gave the activities undertaken by Regional Centre with reference to Prisoners, Tribal Women and the Commercial Sex Workers. Dr. Sivaswaroop also informed that Dr. V. Venugopal Reddy has taken over as Director of Regional Services Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.
Prof. S. P. Kane in his address as Chief Guest appreciated the quality of IGNOU, both in terms of its Study Material and the systems. He remembered that he was also associated with IGNOU as Academic Counsellor and observed the system developed by IGNOU. The Evaluation System comprising local assignment and national examination system was very effective. This experience is guiding him in his present responsibilities. He appreciated IGNOU that it is encompassing heterogeneous group of learners like IAS, IPS Officers to tribal women, but maintaining uniform quality in imparting education. He concluded stating that IGNOU made a great impact on him. Dr. Sivaswaroop felicitated Prof. Kane with Shawl, Shreefal and bouquet as he visited IGNOU first time, after taking over as VC of RTM Nagpur University.
The day long programme was conducted by Assistant Regional Director Dr. Vikas Singhal. The co-ordinators across the region shared their experiences and gave practicable suggestions for reaching the unreached. The coordinators were also informed by Assistant Regional Director Dr. Vikas Singhal about the latest developments like online admission started by IGNOU recently. Assistant Regional Director Dr. Nurul Hasan, Deputy Registrar Y. S. Bhambulkar also made Presentations.