Nagpur: The special squad of DCP (Zone 2) Vinita S on Thursday raided two houses in Mohan Nagar, Khalasi Line, and seized a stock of illegal liquor. Cops have booked seven persons including five women in the case.
The DCP’s special squad raided the residents of Sakun Ganesh Yadav and Mirabai Govind Badme at Mohan Nagar, Khalasi Line on Thursday. The two accused women and five others were selling the liquor illegally. One of the accused, Sanjay Jaiswal, owner of a country liquor shop, was supplying the liquor for illegal sale. The other accused have been identified as Jainbi Abdul Rashid, Jasmin Abdul Rashid, Shabnam Amin Khan, Satish Kharte alias Shakeel Khan and Sanjay Jaiswal, all residents of Mohan Nagar, Khalasi Line.
All the accused have been booked under Section 65 of Maharashtra Prohibition Act.