Nagpur: Bajaj Nagar police have booked an impostor who pretended to be a student and appeared in the Board 12th exam on someone else’ behalf at Nutan Bharat School and Junior College Centre in Abhyankar Nagar on Tuesday, February 18. The impostor appeared for English subject paper of the Board exam. Both the accused impostor and the student have been booked but not arrested so far.
The accused have been identified as Rahul Hemant Bagde (20) and Vinay Chandrikapure Mourya (20), both residents of Bhimnagar, near Hanuman Temple, Hingna Road. Both the accused are friends.
According to police sources, the accused Rahul Bagde forged identity card and appeared for English subject paper of State Board’s 12th exam on Tuesday, February 18, on behalf of accused student. Vinay Mourya. The accused impostor Rahul Bagde prepared a bogus identity for seat No. 147701 and appeared for the Board exam on Vinay’s behalf at Nutan Bharat Junior College Centre in Abhyankar Nagar. The cheating came to the notice of Surendrakumar Baliram Brahmankar (57), resident of Manohar Colony, Ramnagar, Gondia, who was In-charge of the Exam Centre at Nutan Bharat Junior College Centre in Abhyankar Nagar.
Bajaj Nagar API Tayade, acting on the complaint of Brahmankar, booked both the accused under Sections 419, 468, 479 of the IPC and started a probe. No arrest has been made in the matter so far.