Nagpur: Outgoing Nagpur Police Commissioner, Dr. Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay on Saturday was accorded a warm farewell by all the officials of city police and the State’s Home Minister Anil Deshmukh himself as he marked his presence on the dais along with Upadhyay and new police chief Amitesh Kumar.
Speaking on this occasion, Deshmukh discussed how Nagpur police lead by Dr Upadhyay removed the tag of Crime Capital from Orange City.
“In the past Nagpur was in headlines, owing to the flourishing irregularities. As a result many associated the tag of Crime Capital to our city. Following which I had discussed this issue with Dr. Upadhyay, who ensured me all the preventive and precautionary measures to curb such activities. At the end of his tenure, now I can say that Nagpur cops have comprehensively removed the tag of Crime Capital.
“Thanks to Dr. Upadhyay’s innovative style of policing, I’ve never received any complaints against him. And the reason can I can tell you that Dr. Upadhyay was people’s cop, because till date I’ve been receiving calls and texts that Dr. Upadhyay should serve more time to the Nagpurians,” the HM mentioned.
The new Nagpur Police Commissioner, Amitesh Kumar referred Dr. Upadhyay as his teacher and discussed how Dr. Upadhyay had guided him during his Deputy Commissioner of Police’s tenure.
Speaking at his farewell, Dr. Upadhyay said, this is the very first time I’ve seen a Home Minister bidding a farewell to a cop.
“Nagpur has always been special for me, and I had a privilege to serve five times in this city. Right from Vidhan Sabha-Lok Sabha elections to Anti-CAA protests my teammates ensured acute bandobast. It’s the hardwork they put in together, ensured the ideal policing within the city boundaries,” he said.
Welcoming new police chief, Kumar, Dr Upadhyay said, “Amitesh had been to Nagpur. He knows the city and even Nagpurians are familiar with his style of policing. Under his leadership, Nagpur police will reach new milestones,” he assured.
DCP, (Crime) Gajanan Rajmane compared the programme and did the introductory remarks while DCP (Traffic) Vikram Sali proposed the vote of thanks on this occasion.
– By Ravikant Kamble and Shubham Nagdeve