Nagpur/Bhandara: In a bid to celebrate festivals with police personnel and their families, newly appointed Bhandara Superintendent of Police Lohit Matani and his social worker wife Adv Manjeet Kaur Matani have organised special Ganesh Chaturthi festivities at Police Line, Bhandara, first time in the history of the district.
Amid sounds of cymbals, drums and a lavish sprinkling gulal and ‘no restrictions’ for the first time in the last two years; devotees across Maharashtra welcomed Vighnaharta on Wednesday to mark 10-days-long Ganeshotsav. While religious fervour and gaiety of bringing their Bappa home has always been evident on all the faces, SP Matani, who has been known for his novel ways to reach society, and his wife Adv Manjeet Kaur, an ace social worker, wanted to extend this joy to families of policemen in the district in bid to offer an escape from their stressful duties and have a family outing.
Speaking to Nagpur Today, SP Matani said, “Bhandara Police Department has organised a series of cultural programmes to mark Ganesh Chaturthi this year. Right from day one, we’ve organised a slew of programmes for police personnel, their spouses and kids. Bhandara cops have also organised ‘special grievances redressal’ for citizens and seminars on UPSC and MPSC exams for aspiring public servants,” he said.
Elaborating on the need of such programmes, Adv Manjeet Kaur Matani emphasized that, these events not only provide a chance of social gathering of police personnel but also enables them an escape from their stressful job. She also stated that police personnel and their families are overwhelmed with these initiatives.