A 22 year old Nagpur Girl pursuing MBA in Banglore told District and sessions Judge GJ Akarte that Ayush had promised her a precious gift on her birthday on November 10. Ayush in Sptember 2011 had called the girl when she was at Banglore. Ayush called her and told her that he was about to get a huge amount and would buy her a precious gift that she would remember forever. This has fortified the prosecution case and not one witness has deviated from the statement and have deposed firmly in the court in support of the prosecution case. The girl recalled that she had received a friend request on her Facebook account. After a quick check, she came to know that Ayush had created a fake ID, later becoming friends and the friendship between the two strengthened. In April 2011, Ayush, younger to her by 1 year, proposed to her and the girl consented. She confirmed that Ayush was studying at Hislop College and confirmed his handwriting. Whenever she used to come to Nagpur between April and October, they roamed on an Activa. About the precious gift, the girl quite often inquired but Ayush would refuse to disclose the source. ON the day of the incident on October 11, Ayush had repeatedly called her a number of times. As she was busy in her job, she couldn’t attend the call. Chetan More, Nodal officer at Airtel Pune was examined and he confirmed that he had shared call details of two numbers with ACP (Crime Branch), Nagpur. The call details of two numbers were sought on November 25. One belonging to Prakash Katariya and one of a girl who had called Katariya residence and later the cell number of Priya at the behest of Kush. Call details and records were stored in an automatic server wherein no human interference is possible.
Published On :
Wed, Oct 10th, 2012
By Nagpur Today
In order to buy precious gift for girl-friend, Ayush demanded ransom