President Ram Nath Kovind in his address to the nation on the eve of the 70th Republic Day:
– Republic Day 2019 is an opportunity for all citizens of the country to remember independence, equality, and brotherhood.
– This Republic Day is important for us in a special way. On October 2, we’ll celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
– Not only for India, but this anniversary is also an opportunity for entire world to understand, adopt and implement his principles.
– This year, citizens of India will get a chance to fulfil an important responsibility. All of us have to use our voting rights in coming general elections for 17th Lok Sabha.
– This election will be special as 21st century born voters will vote for the first time.
– Apart from education, art, medicines and sports, our daughters are now creating an identity for themselves in the three Armed Forces as well.
– In topmost educational institutes, often there are more daughters than sons among medal-winning students.
– We have to recalibrate our yardstick — from quantity to quality; from a literate society to a knowledge society; from a nation that has room for all segments and communities to a family that encourages and celebrates the uniqueness and potential in each person.
– The recent constitutional amendment to provide special facilities for talented children from poorer families is another step to an India of our dreams — and of Gandhiji’s dreams.
– Our Republic has come a long way and we must appreciate how far successive generations have brought us. Equally, we must appreciate that our voyage is far from complete. There are still waters to cover, still gaps to fill and still tears to wipe.
– Young women in our country are moving ahead in every field — from academics to the creative arts, from sports to the armed forces. There is no stopping and no hesitation in this process. It is the route to India’s future.