Nagpur: Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, recently made a candid and humorous remark about Indians’ love for freebies. Speaking at the launch of the Tourism Policy 2024 event held near Nagpur Airport on Saturday, Gadkari commented that if there’s anything available for free anywhere in the world, Indians are likely to be found at the front of the line.
Known for his straightforward and often witty remarks, Gadkari shared an anecdote from a trip to Switzerland with his wife. He recalled visiting a large chocolate company that was giving away free chocolates. Joking with his wife, he remarked that the queue would likely have the most Indians. His wife playfully responded that he often says such things.
The event also featured Maharashtra’s Tourism Minister Girish Mahajan, along with several senior officials and members of the Advantage Vidarbha Conclave, who were present on stage during Gadkari’s light-hearted address.