So Kukreja’s Infinity tower is going to be Central India’s tallest building – residential or commercial. But what else is special about it?
It is going to be 25 floors high, but it will be a ‘high rise’ not just because of its height, but world class amenities and infrastructure that you will not get anywhere else in any city or town of Central India. And may be beyond too.
Infinity Tower, in its 25 floors will include multiple floors for just parking; a lobby and common area furnished with super luxury fixtures and furniture. There will be a state of the art gymnasium, a club house and an indoor swimming pool of lavish proportions too.
But according to Shravan Kukreja, the young entrepreneur heading this project, the crowning glory of the towers will be literally the top floor which is designed as a ‘sky lounge’ which will be open to all residents of the building.
“We could have had pent houses built on the top floors and sold them at a premium. But we wanted ALL our apartment owners to be able to enjoy the magnificent view from the top, so we decided to keep it a common area with a sky lounge” says Shravan.
Shravan Kukreja
(Many metro based builders in whose buildings ‘pent houses’ are de rigueur could take a leaf out of Kukreja’s book in treating their customers like Royalty, no matter which floor they occupy!)
Infinity Tower, designed by the iconic internationally famed Architect Reza Kabul is shaping up to be a single building bringing to its dwellers the luxury and the amenities of an entire ‘gated township’. In that sense, it is going to be a city in the sky!
And only 57 fortunate families are going to get the opportunity of calling this sky city home, because Infinity tower will have just 57 flats.
Yes, you read it right – only 57, super luxurious, extremely well appointed residences!
“But for all that we are offering, we are priced on par with other builders building for HIGs.” (High Income groups) Avers Kukreja.
“At price same as others, we are able to offer so much more because of our good business practice,
tight control on deadlines and budgets and a work ethic that does not believe in just profit maximization. With Infinity Tower, which appearance wise will remind viewers of Empire state building of New York, or a miniature Burj Khalifa of Dubai, we want to return some of Nagpur’s lost glory to the city. We owe this much to our beloved home town!” Concludes Shravan on an emotional note.
The Bhoomipujan, ( ground breaking) for Infinity, was a dazzling event held just this February of 2018, yet the speed with which it is coming up is astounding. The first few months went in securing the sturdy foundation and getting the site ready for monsoons. Now actual building is shaping up super fast should come up to the 4th floor by year end.
Flats are getting booked equally speedily. Mostly by invitation. Simply because the promoters want to ensure that when you move into Infinity, the ‘neighbourhood’ is a congenial one.