DrAroonBeesham, Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Zululand, South Africa inaugurated two days International Conference on RESEARCH FRONTIERS in Sciences, (ICRFS-2023) on 21st July 2023 in presence of Guests of Honor Dr. G. P. Singh, Professor (HAG) & Head of the Department, VNIT, Nagpur,Director of GHRCE Dr. SachinUntawale, Dr. PramodWalke and Dr. Santosh Jaju, Dy. Directors GHRCE, many acclaimed academicians, Researchers from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Government organization, Deans,Heads and faculty members of GHRCE on WEBEX platform.
The conference was organized by Department of Applied Sciences namely, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistryin association with American Institute of Physics (AIP), USA which is one of the biggest publisher across the globe and sponsored by GHR labs and technically assisted by Material Research Society of India, Luminescence Society of India, The Indian Society of Analytical Scientist, Nagpur Chapter and Forum for Interdisciplinary research in Mathematical Sciences.
Dr. BhavanaButey, General chair of the conference presented the preamble of ICRFS-2023. Dr. PramodWalke, Dy. Director & Dean Academics of the Institute highlighted the salient features of the Institute. Dr. Santosh Jaju, Dy Director, Dean (R & D) and Organizing Chair of ICRFS-2023 highlighted about R&D activities of the institute.
The unveiling of proceeding was conducted at the hands of dignitaries present on WEBEX platform. During inauguration it was declared that the conference received huge response with 130 plus papers received across India and abroad. Papers were prominently received from NIT, Governments colleges, reputed private institutes and environment consultants.
There was a plenary session by DrAroonBeesham andfive keynote addresses were delivered bydistinguished scientist and researchers’ viz. Prof. VáclavSnášel, Rector at Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, Europe, DrRamchandraPode, Retired Professor, Department of Physics,
Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea, DrVinod Kumar Garg, Professor, Centre for Environmental Science and Technology Central University of Punjab, Dr. Sushant Ghosh, Professor, Center for Theoretical Physics, JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi, DrSourabhDube, Associate Professor of Physics, IISER, Pune.
Total 95papers were presented in 11 parallel technical sessions moderated by distinguished professors from renowned colleges & organizations. Report of the entire conference was presented by Dr.BhavanaButey, General Chair. Vote of thanks was proposed by conference co-chair Prof.VijayaRaut. Conference co-chairs Prof. ArunaSudame, Prof. SmitaPidurkar, Dr. Nalini Vaidya and the entire organizing team of ICRFS-2023 worked relentlessly for the success ofICRFS-2023.