Published On : Thu, Mar 24th, 2022

International Women’s Day celebration ICAI Nagpur


“Nari Tu Mahan Hai” an ode by Nagpur Branch of WIRC of ICAI to commemorate International Women’s Day.

Nagpur Branch of WIRC of ICAI organized three days’ events to celebrate with women CA members and CA students, International Women’s Day. On these occasions Chairperson CA Jitendra Saglani gave his opening remarks wherein he acknowledged and appreciated the increasing participation of the lady members in the profession.


He further urged female members to come forward and contribute to nation building. He acknowledged the need to organize women centric programs to sharpen their skills for the said purpose. He added further that with changing times women are gracing various important roles. This positive change is a welcoming move towards empowering the women and acknowledging their strength and contribution to the society. Later CA Abhijit Kelkar, Regional Council Member provided his guidance and words of encouragement.

Fun filled Zumba session, Bollywood Dance session, Health and Nutrition talk with leading Gynecologists from the town , was organized. ZIN Nitu Agrawal and Ms. Suchita Batra conducted an hour long fitness session. In the later part of the session Dr. Mrunal Chande and Dr. Nalini Kurvey enlightened the attendees regarding Health issues not to be overlooked by ladies of various age groups and nutritional needs of the body.

Following the theme given by UN for the year 2022 “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, to imbibe the confidence in its Lady members and students on the next day Branch had arranged 2 hours CPE Seminar “Challenge Ahead, Challenge Accepted, Challenge Accomplished”, wherein eminent speakers from Industry, Practice and Entrepreneurship were invited to guide the attendees. CA Nishtha Khandelwal, Dir. Finance- Vineengineer Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. aptly said that “Don’t consider your career as an option. You must pursue your career with consistency and confidence in your own abilities“. Following the session Mrs. Shivani Dani Wakhare, Founder Director- MoneyBee Institute Pvt. Ltd., introduced various investment options along with its pros and cons and basic ratios to be looked into while assessing the strength of underlying stock option. CA Kavita Loya, Past Chairperson- ICAI Nagpur; Partner- Loya Bagri & Co., later in the session, inspired the members to trust yourself for what you want to be.
Challenges will be there but they are situational and not permanent. Accept your differences and celebrate being a woman. CA Shalini Mandhana, Joint CFO- Solar Industries India Ltd. further addressed members sharing her experience being into service industry and urged the attendees to understand that, “accepting challenge itself is challenge and be ready to Learn and unlearn”.

On the next day Nagpur Branch of ICAI organized 2 hours CPE seminar addressing need of the hour, prevention of Sexual Harassment at workplace – Awareness of POSH. CA Aishwarya Prabhu, POSH Consultant and certified POSH trainer from Pune successfully conducted VCM. She helped the attendees to understand applicability of PoSH Act, 2013 and understand its importance. The Act gives employers and employees an insight into what sexual harassment is and how to differentiate it from other non-sexual harassment cases. CA Aishwarya Prabhu deliberated on the topic explaining the need for the Act, compliances involved in it, consequences and protection available under PoSH Act, 2013.

CA Swaroopa S. Wazalwar and CA Trupti Bhattad coordinated the sessions and Secretary CA Akshay Gulhane extended formal Vote of Thanks. Managing Committee members those who were present were CA Ajay R. Vaswani, CA Deepak Jethwani, CA Sanjay C. Agrawal along with more than 100 members and students were benefited from these sessions.