Published On : Wed, Oct 17th, 2012

Interview with city’s own “Pratap Guruji”

Pratap guruji, A Spiritual Counselor in the city has changed many lives and sorted  everyday problems of peoples of Society. We had interviewed him , which is as follow:

Suhani: Guruji, Tell us something about yourself and your work?

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Pratap Guruji: I am Pratap Guruji and I am working here as a spiritual counselor. The spectrum of Counseling is as diverse as the rainbow and touches every facet ,so I always try to address all aspect of life, like:

Suhani: What is the name of your counseling center and how does it work?

Pratap Guruji : It is Destiny counseling private limited. And, as we all know Today’s life is getting stressful and cluttered with every passing day – with more demands and less of resources in terms of money; time; happiness and peace. This has given rise to uncertainties and more uncertainties. With the compounding of problems, the solution is becoming more and more elusive. And, the need of the hour is not just the solution, but a workable practical solution , so we are here for giving the much needed solace and comfort in their harried life.

Suhani: What is the importance of Counseling in Life?

Pratap Guruji: COUNSELLING is a scientific process which is largely accepted by people. There are many subjects that require counseling. With changing times our lifestyle offers us so many advantages that make life easy but at the same time it is important to acknowledge the side effects of a routine fast paced life. In a changing world people are more open with their views.

Academic institutions also appoint counselors to guide and coach children so as to help them with their goings in the field of academics. Overcoming fear or risking exposure is another way to look at approaching a counseling centre.In life all the problems have solutions is the motto of counseling. The problems can be simple like over medications, coping with loss or grief owing to personal trauma. Counseling kids is another professional medium to understand the caliber, financial background and support system for the child to excel in their chosen academic path.

Suhani: What is the Concept of ATM?

Prasad Guruji: It is a very unique concept. It is the first counseling cooncept which has integrated latest technology. It was inaugurated by Dr. Ved Prakash Mishra, with 18 counselors. Whether a person is in Gadchiroli or in Australia, they really are in need of counseling because of the evolving concept of nuclear families and grandparents are missing and the experience of the way of living is missing, so people need someone to guide them. So this technology helps who require immediate solution. Lot of suicide of the farmer and the student community can be saved.

Through mobile and through the internet we provide counseling. Anytime motivation counseling ATM, because the emotional transaction is very secure, confidential of the crux and key of the counseling series.

Suhani : Are you the only person taking care of it?

Pratap guruji: No, along with me there are many counselors and two directors to take care. One of them is Ms Neeru Kapai who has been in the field of education (Founder of Mordern School and Founder President of J.K.Educational Counselor for adolescent and parenting aspects) and the second is Ms Vaishali Ghokale who has 25 years of hands-on-enriched experience in strategic management, finance, administration. We are having the core team of Counselors such as Dr.Ms Manju Jain(Vice President of Integrated Healing Forum-Spiritual Healer with more than 5 years), Dr Ms Sara Chintanwala (Homeopathic Physician), Dr Ms Nandini Jathar (Ex Vice Chancellor ITM) , Dr N.R.Mrunal (Clinical Psychologist), Ajay Gokhale (Persona Enhancement Trainer) and Me as an executive committee member

Both the directors represent the women empower and associated with women empowerment year. Like Ramkrishna Paramhans took Swami Vivekanand as his student similarly the power of women empowerment.

Suhani : Guruji, what is the Concept of “ My Jannat ”?

Pratap Guruji: People speak about science and spirituality and speaking about spirituality in modern language is very difficult, to define which is not tangible is paradox. The company is dynamic destiny people say as destiny itself is predetermined so how can it be dynamic, similarly unless science explains it is very difficult to accept it. There is a very thin line between science and spirituality.

Suhani: Who inspires you for all this?

Pratap Guruji: Swami Vivekananda inspires , because he was the first to encourage everything. He never discouraged anything. He supported science and spirituality equally. America is known for its unity but during recession, India also survives i.e. just because of spirituality and it is being said that the world will end in a year but we should not forget – The death of a caterpillar is a birth of a butterfly. 2012 is the starting point of vision 2020, which Abdul Kalam forth said

Suhani: What are the technology you are using in your Counseling Institute?

Pratap Guruji: We are using scientific technology for example the ‘Seven Chakra’ are detected through these technology. Spirituality without science and technology is like a blind men and vice-versa. People need proof and now a day they believe what they see, like Arjun without Krishna in Mahabharata.

Suhani : What are the major problems you are facing in Today’s Youth?

Pratap Guruji :Today’s youth is in a dilemma. They have got power but not sure where to use it. It is channel shopping generation. Our generation was satisfied with one channel and one film. If they are properly guided then definitely this generation would a generation a delivery not a generation of dilemma.

Suhani: Who is responsible for all this ?

Pratap Guruji: We all are responsible because today’s generation wants to be the follower as everyone wants their name so they look for the shortcuts. Henceforth, we have associated ourselves with Vicco who has earned this name of theirs through struggle. Everyone need to confront things, like Swami Vivekananda confronted his guru –“Does God exists? Have you seen god.” And his guru answered his quarries, but today’s generation guru’s hide their knowledge so that the students don’t become superior which is wrong because that knowledge would die with him. Hence, at some point one has to confront things and the other has to answer and share the knowledge.

Suhani: Guruji, Today’s youth doesn’t believe – god and spirituality. What’s your opinion?

Pratap Guruji: As I said previously, today’s generation believes what they see which the reason why we need to prove everything scientifically. All god are one- but their departments differs like Manmohan singh cannot take congress’s decisions that Sonia Gandhi does. This generation is blessed. They would go fast and safe.

Suhani : What kind of Problem do you treat?

Pratap GurujiFirst of all, we don’t see ‘problems’ we see people and we don’t offer ‘treatment’ or ‘cures’. Counselling requires a considerable commitment from you as well as from us. It is often hard work and, as with many things in life, the best outcomes result from the biggest efforts. It is not an ‘instant quick fix!’ The range of problems which people come to talk about are as varied as the people themselves. Some people don’t know what the problem is – they may simply be unhappy – whilst others want to talk about a specific difficult situation.

Clients sometimes come to talk about a particular problem, only to discover that it’s something else which is the real trouble. Relationships, loss and change are all common themes, as are anxiety and stress. We will listen to you without judgment regardless of what it is you wish to discuss.

Suhani: Any message to Nagpurian’s and wishes for Nagpur Today.

Pratap Guruji: Only you know what it is that hurts or troubles you, although it may be that the real reasons for your anguish are tucked away out of your immediate notice. The journey is one of self-discovery and the first step on it is learning to accept yourself completely, So have trust and faith on yourself; World will be yours .And, For Nagpur Today I wish them great Success and and I heartily appreciate their work that they are doing and making people aware of everything about the city and the citizens. All the best for your Future.

Suhani Vanjani