Nagpur: As per the officials, an undertrial MCOCA accused was arrested by the Nagpur Police while he was trying to smuggle Ganja and batteries of mobile phones inside Nagpur Central Jail. The incident is just a pointer to the flourishing drug menace on a large scale in Nagpur.
There has been a significant increase in offences under the NDPS Act in the city. As per the data received from the Nagpur Police, there were 70 offences registered in the year 2020 and 126 were arrested for the same. In 2021, 338 offences were registered under the Act and 441 were arrested by the Nagpur Police.
The seized property in the year 2020 was to the tune of Rs 1,62,11,106, which swelled to Rs 2,63,54,018 in 2021. Up to July 2022, 120 offences have been registered and 182 persons have been arrested. The seized property amounted to Rs 1,21,84,368.