TV actor Additi Gupta, known for her roles in shows like Qubool Hai and Ishqbaaaz, married businessman Kabir Chopra in a private ceremony on Wednesday. The two had earlier got engaged in a roka ceremony in October 2018. Additi’s nuptials took place on the same day that Isha Ambani, daughter of industrialist Mukesh Ambani, married in a high profile ceremony in Mumbai.
Celebrating the special moment with Additi and Kabir were a host of her colleagues and friends from the Indian television world including Drashti Dhami, Anita Hassanandani, Kritika Kamra and Rahul Sharma. They all posted videos, Instagram stories and photos from the many ceremonies.
According to a report in Times Now, Additi had a bridal shower and a mehendi with her friends. On Thursday’s wedding, Aditti could be seen wearing a yellow-cream richly embroidered lehenga choli with a mang and matha patti and a white rose garland that dominated her look. Kabir, meanwhile, wore a zari, pale white and blue kurta with a matching pagdi.