Salman Khan and Priyanka Chopra made headlines on Tuesday when the actress was announced as the lead in Bharat. The two stars coming together after almost a decade was a news that deserved all the attention. It was a perfect union and the one that we were waiting for. We wanted the actress to make some move in Bollywood and here she is, making just the right announcement. Refuting all the rumours of doing a Kalpana Chawla biopic, PeeCee smartly bagged a Salman movie – something that guarantees an instant success and good figures at the box office.
However, Salman-Priyanka’s relationship wasn’t always as hunky dory as it is today. It was full of ups and downs and they both had their own inhibitions. Let’s go on a tour of their personal relationship from friends turned foes to friends again.
The differences that brewed in 2007
Salman Khan and Priyanka Chopra were never the best of buddies in the industry. Their relationship was in fact a bumpy ride where both the parties had personal differences with one another. It all started when Salman wanted Katrina to replace Priyanka in one of their movies, but the later refused to budge. They were cordial on the sets of Mujhse Shaadi Karogi but their friendship went kaput in 2007 after the whole replacing incident.