Jalgaon Train Accident LIVE: In Maharashtra’s Jalgaon, a tragic incident was reported on Wednesday. While Pushpak Express was on its way to its destination on January 22, a false fire alarm was raised at Jalgaon’s Paranda Railway Station at around 5:00 pm. As a result, Pushpak Express halted near Pachora station.
The situation triggered panic among passengers due to which some of them jumped off the train on the adjacent track. Bengaluru-New Delhi Karnataka Express was running across the same route from the opposite side during that time and around 8 to10 passengers who ran for safety on its tracks were crushed under the moving train while 30 to 40 others sustained injuries.
Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis informed that the district administration is working in coordination with the railway administration and immediate arrangements are being made for the treatment of the injured.
“8 ambulances have been dispatched. The general hospital as well as other nearby private hospitals have been kept ready for the treatment of the injured Emergency equipment like glass cutters, floodlights etc. have also been kept ready,” Devendra Fadnavis said.