Nagpur: In a significant development in the Jamtha rape case, the victim positively identified the accused, Prafulla Parate (22), during an identification parade on Wednesday. The parade, supervised by a Tehsildar and senior police officials, played a pivotal role in solidifying the case against the alleged perpetrator.
Parate, a resident of the Brahmini area of Butibori, had been evading capture in nearby jungles after the heinous assault on an engineering student on October 4.
Upon receiving the victim’s identification, Parate was promptly produced before the court, where the police argued for his custody, ultimately obtaining it until October 23. This turn of events followed Parate’s apprehension by Beltarodi police as he was allegedly preparing to target another woman in the Vela Hari area on Sunday night.
The exhaustive pursuit of the fugitive involved a staggering 400 police personnel working tirelessly over the past ten days. To aid in the search, authorities even deployed drones to scan an 11-kilometer stretch from Palloti Engineering College to Beltarodi police station.