Nagpur News : In a surprising step taken by the All India forward block leader and vidarbha veer Jamuwantrao Dhote, on 13 March 2014 he declared that he is going to fight Lok Sabha election from Nagpur Constituency. He will also be the candidate for yavatmal-wasim lok Sabha constituency.
In the press conference organized by Maharashtra Parivartan Morcha at Tilak Patrakar Bhawan Dhote said that All India forward block, Shivrajya Party, Welfare Party of India Nag Vidarbha Movement had joined hands for separate vidarbha and under Maharashtra Parivartan Morcha they will fight Lok Sabha Election 2014 from 48 loksabha constituencies of Maharashtra. While talking to the media personal Jamuwantrao Dhote said that the only reason behind this decision is the dream of Separate Vidarbha State.
The founder member of Welfare Party of India Nag Vidarbha Movement Rana Hatesingh who was present during the press conference said that the Welfare Party of India Nag Vidarbha Movement had also joined Maharashtra Parivartan Morcha only for Saperate Vidarbha.
Candidate for 11 seats have been finalized yet and candidates for rest of the 37 seats will soon be declared. The name of Ankush Nawle for Wardha Constituency, Adv. Sandesh Bhalekar for Ramtek Constituency under schedule cast, Adv. Ramlal Hirkane for Bhandara-gondia Constituency, Dilip Pallewar for Chandrapur Constituency and Adv. Sheikh Sultan for Hingoli Constituency has been finalized.
:: Puja Singh