Nagpur: Jaripatka police on Thursday busted a vehicle lifters’ gang by arresting two of its teenage members and recovered 15 two-wheelers of different make from their possession. One minor boy too was detained for his involvement in the crime. The action was the outcome of a tip-off that a boy was trying to dispose of a two-wheeler and was searching for a customer. Armed with the information, a team of Jaripatka police, led by PSI S V Raut, kept a close watch during patrol. The police team spotted a boy near Maruti Showroom riding an Avenger motorcycle without registration number plate. Out of police instinct, the cops stopped the boy and demanded papers of the vehicle from him. But he failed to produce any papers forcing the cops to detain him and bring him to police station. After a sustained interrogation, the boy spilled the bean s and confessed that the vehicle was a stolen one.
The detained boy identified himself as Mohd Azhar Ansari (19), resident of Sangharsh Nagar, Yashodhara Nagar area. Further probe revealed that an offence 396/16 regarding theft of a two-wheeler was registered at Jaripatka Police Station. The accused was produced in a court and his PCR was secured by the cops. During his custodial interrogation, the accused Mohd Azhar Ansari informed police that he and his minor friend had stolen a total of 15 two-wheelers including two Bajaj Avengers, eight Activa mopeds, one Jupiter moped, two Bajaj Pulsar motorcycles, one Passion Pro bike and one Suzuki Access moped. Out of these stolen vehicles, three motorcycles were sold to a person named Mohd Rihan Iqbal Quereshi (23), resident of Nayi Basti, Teka in Pachpaoli area. The accused Mohd Rihan Iqbal Quereshi too was arrested and the 15 stolen vehicles were recovered from the possession of all the accused.
The other members of the Jaripatka police team, apart from PSI S V Raut, include Head Constable Parmeshwar Kadu, Naik Police Constables Bandu Kalambe, Nitin Chaudhary, Constables Shailesh Kumbhalkar, Arun Chandne. The action was initiated under the guidance of DCP (Zone 5) Abhinash Kumar, ACP Ramesh Taiwade, Senior Police Inspector Chakshupal Bahadure.