Nagpur: A Nagpur-based tour operator, allegedly a repeated offender, has been intercepted at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport and caught smuggling gold worth Rs 10.50 concealed on his body. The accused Rahul Premchandani (28), is a resident of Jaripatka in Nagpur. He had arrived from Dubai by Indigo flight number 6E 62 and was intercepted at CSIA. He was found carrying a gold chain weighing 350 gm valued at Rs 10.50 lakh concealed in his body.
Customs official said Premchandani owns a travel company, Rahul Tour and Travelling in Nagpur.
He was earlier booked by AIU in a smuggling case of assorted foreign currency equivalent to Rs 11.96 lakh in 2015 at CSIA.