Mumbai: In a tragic development, television actress Dolly Sohi and her sister Amandeep Sohi have both passed away. On Friday, March 8, it was disclosed that the actress known for her roles in Jhanak, Bhabhi and Parineetii, Dolly, passed away mere hours after her sister Amandeep’s demise. Dolly had been fighting cervical cancer, while Amandeep succumbed to jaundice.
According to a report, Dolly and Amandeep Sohi’s brother Manpreet confirmed the reports of Dolly’s passing. Dolly’s family said, “Our beloved Dolly has left for her heavenly abode today early morning. We are in a state of shock with the loss.”
Meanwhile, Amandeep Sohi passed away on Thursday, March 7. Her brother, Manu Sohi confirmed that Amandeep passed away after battling jaundice. “Yes, it is true Amandeep is no more. Her body gave up. She had jaundice but we are not in the state to ask the doctors detail”.
Simultaneously, Manu conveyed that Dolly’s condition was not critical, but she was advised to rest at the hospital. Dolly received a diagnosis of cervical cancer in 2023. Reports indicated that earlier this year, Dolly was swiftly taken to the hospital’s emergency ward when she encountered breathing difficulties.
Reports suggest that Dolly had been previously wedded to Avneet Dhanowa, an NRI based in Canada. Dolly leaves behind her daughter, Amelie
Some of Dolly’s notable performances include TV shows such as Kkusum, Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi, Kumkum Bhagya, and Parineetii.