Published On : Mon, Jun 29th, 2015

Jindal criticizes Obama and Hillary for supporting same-sex marriages

Washington: An American presidential-race candidate of Indian origin and Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal has severely criticized US President Barack Obama and another presidential-race candidate Hillary Clinton for their support to US Supreme Court ruling in favour of gay-mariages or same-sex marriages in America, based on plebiscite.
The 13th Republican candidate for presidential election in 2016, 44-year-old Jindal further said during an interview that President Obama and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (Democratic) have changed their opinion on plebiscite.
According to him he can also read out the plebiscite like US Supreme Court but his firm conviction on marriages was based on Christian religion and it would never change by order of any court. He blatantly said, “I believe that the marriage is strictly done between a man and a woman.”
Jindal pointed out that Obama had termed the court’s opinion on same-sex marriages as victory of America while Hillary had termed it as a historical decision given by the US Supreme Court. According to him,  as legally approved by US Supreme Court, the people of same-sex would marry in all 50 states of the country.
He firmly said, “I have not changed my views on plebiscite (public opinion) though I could also read out the plebiscite like President Obama. I have my own faith on the issue. I personally feel that a marriage most ideally and morally suits between a man and a woman.”
Commenting on racialism, he said, “I have told many a time that we must stop looking at divided Americans, for we are not African-Americans or Indian-Americans. All of us are basically Americans. I feel that it would be foolish to look at the colour of skin of the people.”
It may be mentioned here that Jindal is said to be not on much popular rating in his home state. When asked during an interview about it he said he never took decisions on the basis of public opinion. Had he been afraid of elections he would not have won twice with landslide victory.