Nagpur: JOINT Commissioner of Police Ravindra Kadam retired on Saturday after serving the police force for more than 37 years. Kadam, a gold medalist in Entomology (Toxicology), had joined the police force at the age of 22 years as Deputy Superintendent of Police. He worked at various positions in different parts of the State and handled major cases.
Kadam spent more than 20 years in tackling Naxalism in Maharashtra. While working as DIG (Gadchiroli), he was instrumental in arresting G N Saibaba, a Naxal ideologue and Delhli University professor, for his alleged links with Maoists. He was a recipient of President’s Police Medal. He was also conferred with the DGP’s Insignia for his outstanding contribution.
While working as Joint Commissioner of Police in Pune, Kadam was instrumental in putting behind bars some more prominent activists, including RTM Nagpur University’s ex-professor Shoma Sen and Adv Surendra Gadling for their alleged involvement in Bhima-Koregaon violence. Commissioner of Police Dr Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay honoured Kadam in the presence of all senior officers for his outstanding and unblemished service to the police force and wished him a happy retired life.