New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday dismissed the petition filed by Asha Ranjan, whose husband and journalist Rajdeo Ranjan was murdered in Siwan district in Bihar. The petition alleged Lalu Yadav’s son Tej Pratap was involved in her husband’s murder. Ranjan was murdered in Siwan in May 2016.
Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Shahabuddin’s name has cropped up as an accused in the investigation of Ranjan’s murder.
Ranjan’s widow had sought direction for registration of an FIR against Shahabuddin and Yadav for “conspiracy and harbouring and sheltering the proclaimed offenders” in the murder case.
The CBI had last year taken custody of Shahabuddin and on August 22, 2017, the CBI had filed a chargesheet against Shahabuddin.