Published On : Tue, Oct 6th, 2015

Judge Advocates Basic Course inaugurated at IML, Kamptee


eep Kumar, Commandant IML, and other Officers of IML with Course Officers on the occassion of inauguration of JAC-25 course.
Nagpur: Judge Advocates Basic Course, Ser-25 (JAC-25) was formally inaugurated at Institute of Military Law (IML), Kamptee by Col Sandeep Kumar, Commandant on 05 Oct 2015. The course is being attended by 2 officers of the Indian Army, 04 Officers from Indian Navy representing various Headquarters located across the country. These officers handle the discipline & vigilance cases of the Army/Navy as JAG Offrs and play key role in dispensation of Military Justice amongst rank and profile.

Addressing the student officers Commandant Col Sandeep Kumar said that discipline is the backbone of Indian Army and maintenance of discipline is Sine quo non for its efficiency. The Armed Forces earns a great respect from the countrymen, since it works in extreme difficult condition to provide security to the nation.

The fair administration of justice in the Army keeps the faith of soldier in Military Judiciary System intact and boosts the functional efficiently. He called upon the officers attending the course to understand the nuances of law properly, which would make them confident in handling their duties efficiently and as per laid down law.

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Col Sandeep Kumar emphasized on sharing of experience, need to have critical thinking on law and to possess adequate knowledge to be good advisors to Cdrs. Commandant asked the student offrs to voice opinion, believe in healthy competition and be helpful to other. He further stated that the increased litigation before Armed Forces Tribunals, High Courts and the Supreme Court can be efficiently handled only when the disciplinary proceedings are judiciously conducted and concluded as per law.

The hands of Military Commanders which are empowered by Military Law to punish offender and prevent offences can be strengthened when the legal advisor performs their duties in tune with professional ethics and keeping the Human angle in mind. The course will conclude on 26 Dec 2015.
