Nagpur: Justice Bhushan Gavai unfurled the tricolor at Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court to mark the 69th Independence Day celebration. Other dignitaries present on the occasion include Justice V N Deshpande, Justice R K Deshpande, Justice V A Naik, Justice P B Varade, Justice S B Shukre, Justice Z A Haq, Justice A S Chandurkar, District and Sessions Court Judge Pushpa Ganediwal, National Law University’s Vice Chancellor Kumar, Justice Indira Jain, High Court Manager M S Sharma and host of personalities from judicial fraternity.
District and Sessions Court:
The Principal Judge Pushpa Ganediwal hoisted the national flag District and Sessions Court on the occasion of 69th Independence Day. Others present include Judge K G Rathi, Judge V D Shankara, Judge A R Dameja and others.