Nagpur: Yashodhara Nagar police have rounded up a juvenile criminal and recovered a stolen Bullet motorcycle from his possession on Thursday. The accused juvenile was however released after serving him a notice.
A resident of Plot No. 49, Samata Nagar, Santosh Rammanohar Yadav (25) had lodged a complaint with Yashodhara Nagar police saying that his Royal Enfield Bullet bike (MH-49/S 3747) was stolen from Vinoba Bhave Nagar between 12 noon of November 8 and 9, 2019. After registering a case, cops had launched probe.
During investigation, cops received secret information that the juvenile criminal had stolen the Bullet bike and it was kept at his residence. Acting on the information, a team of police reached the house of the accused and deatined him. The stolen bike was also recovered. However, the juvenile criminal was released after serving him a notice.