Nagpur: In what can only be described as a sheer mockery of a court order, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP), in association with Kalmeshwar-Bramhani Municipal Council, has failed to object to the bids of two Kolhapur-based firms in the ongoing Amrut Water Supply Scheme tender process, despite being instructed by MJP to comply with the High Court’s decision to cancel the tender for the 1st call due to the observed ‘conflict of interest’ as the owner of both firms is the same person.
As per the available details, a tender was floated by Kalmeshwar-Bramhani Municipal Council for around Rs 50 crore water supply scheme in the first week of May 2023. Initially, six firms placed bids for the tender. However, after technical evaluation, three firms were removed from the list, leaving only three firms – Laxmi Engineering, Swastik Construction (both from Kolhapur), and Central India. In due course, M/s Samrudhi Infra Projects challenged their disqualification in the High Court. Following this, the HC reinstated them in the tender race.
The order to cancel the tender was issued to Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP) and Kalmeshwar-Bramhani Municipal Council on June 17, citing the reason for disqualification as the same owners in two companies bidding for the same tender.
However, later, both Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP) and Kalmeshwar-Bramhani Municipal Council blatantly ignored the facts and included the two Kolhapur-based firms, with the same owner, again in the tender race in the second call.
The role of a Member of Parliament (MP) is under scrutiny in this connection, as the MP has already faced allegations of receiving ‘commission’ in exchange for awarding the construction tender.
When Nagpur Today took the matter to Rameshwar Pandagale, Chief Officer (CO) of Kalmeshwar-Bramhani Municipal Council, he stated that the matter is not under his purview and directed us to MJP.
Subsequently, Nagpur Today contacted Rajendra Katpalliwar, Chief Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, who informed that, “A meeting in this connection will be addressed tomorrow, following which I can comment on the matter,” he said.
It is likely to mention that, it will be interesting to see whether the Kolhapur-based firms qualify for the tender, as it will, perhaps, amount to contempt of court.
– Shubham Nagdeve