Published On : Wed, Jun 23rd, 2021

Kanhan WTP shutdown to plug major leakages postponed to June 25 (Friday)


Water supply in 28 ESR’s of Satranjipura, Aasi Nagar, Lakadganj, & Nehru Nagar zone to remain affected.

No Tanker supply during & after Kanhan WTP shutdown in affected areas ….

Low pressure water supply on June 26 (Saturday)

Gold Rate
Thursday 13 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 87,100 /-
Gold 22 KT 81,000 /-
Silver / Kg 99,100 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

Nagpur: Following ‘VatSavitri Festival on June 24 (Thursday) , The Nagpur Municipal Corporation and Orange City Water have postponed its 30-hours shutdown of Kanhan Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to plug four major leakages as well as maintenance work at Kanhan WTP to June 25 (Friday ) from 10 am to June 26 (Saturday ) till 2 pm.

Earlier, it must be mentioned here earlier the 30-hours shutdown of Kanhan Water Treatment Plant (WTP) was planned from June 24 (Thursday) from 10 am to June 25 (Friday) till 2 pm.

Following this 30-hours shutdown, water supply in almost 28 ESR’s from 4 zones of Satranjipura, Lakadganj, Aasinagar and Nehru Nagar zone shall remain affected. Further as 28 ESR’s will remain empty, water supply through Tankers will also be not possible during and after shutdown in affected areas.

After shutdown on June 26 (Saturday) there will be low pressure water supply in affected areas

Below are the Major proposed work during shutdown…

Kanhan- 1300 Feeder line : Leakage repairing on near Uppalwadi Bus stop

Kanhan -900 Feeder Line: Leakage repairing work inside Guard Regiment Premises( GRC), Leakage Repairing work at Waregaon new constructed road (Outside GRC BOundary), Leakage repairing work at Backside of Pili Nadi

Kanhan WTP :- CC tank structure repairing work

ESR (Overhead water Tanks) to remain affected are:

AshiNagar Zone : Bezonbagh ESR , Binaki -Existing , Binaki-1&2 , Indora-1&2, Bazonbagh, Gamdoor DT, Aaakashwani DT, & Jaswant Talkies DT ESR command areas

Satranjipura Zone: Bastarwadi-1 , 2A & 2B ,Shanti Nagar ESR, Wanjari (Vinoba Bhave Nagar) , Itabhatti Square DT,

Nehru Nagar Zone: Nandanvan (Old), Nandanvan I, II, , Sakkardara, I, II, III, Tajbagh ESR & Kharabi ESR.

Lakadganj Zone: Bhandewadi, Deshpande Lay Out (Bharatwada), Lakadganj, Minimata Nagar, Subhan Nagar ESR, Kalamana ESR and Pardi I & Pardi II

Citizens also take a note that during and after 24-hours shutdown at Kanhan WTP, Water supply through Tankers will also be not possible in the affected areas. NMC & OCW has appealed citizens from above mentioned affected areas to co-operate and store sufficient water for their use in advance.

For more information about water supply consumers can contact OCW Helpline No 1800 266 9899.
