Nagpur: Karan Kothari Jewellers, one of the leading jewellery stores in Vidarbha region unveiled its new brand positioning on Tuesday at their Dharampeth outlet. Present on the occasion were Pradeep Kothari, Director of Karan Kothari Jewellers along with Nitin Kothari and Karan Kothari.
Speaking at length about the new brand logo, Pradeep Kothari also briefed on how the company has always worked in a progressive manner. He said, “It is important that our ideology is reflected in our work. We believe in trust and transparency which was the slogan of our Grandfather and we have always worked in building these two vital values with our loyal customers.
Similarly with the new brand identity, people will see a change in the design and management as well in the coming festive season. Committed to bring out the best jewellery collection in the festive season, the new range of best designed jewellery will be available soon at all outlets.
The unveiling of the new logo was done by the hands of Karan Kothari Jewellers loyal customers as Pradeep believed that its because of these customers the company gained strength to expand and bring out the best of collections for them.